Lawrence Nwimo, Awka

The Nigeria Union of Journalists (NUJ) Anambra State Council will partner Life International Hospital, an ultra-modern fertility centre in Awka, in hosting a Bloggers’ Summit in Awka.

The NUJ sought the agreement when it paid a courtesy visit to the Chairman Board of Directors of the fertility hospital, Prof. Joseph Ikechebelu at his office in Awka, the State capital on Tuesday.

Speaking during the visit, NUJ Chairman, Anambra State Council, Dr Odogwu Emeka Odogwu, said the IVF awareness will be rolled out in the upcoming one-day NUJ’s 2022 Health Week and later during the Online/Bloggers Summit to be held in June, 2022.

Dr Odogwu said the summit would among other things pay curious attention on IVF technology which he pointed out had coincidentally formed many peoples’ testimony about the hospital since it’s establishment in Nnewi and later at Awka.

He said the collaboration would avail people of the state and beyond, especially those having fertility challenges, the opportunity to be educated on IVF as a solution to their problems.

The Anambra State NUJ Chairman also described the hospital proprietor who doubles as the Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Administration, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, as a peacemaker and commended him for his initiatives and problem-solving contributions to the university school system and mankind.

Receiving the team from NUJ, Prof. Ikechebelu, a Professor of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, regretted damages infertility had caused to many homes, noting that most people having fertility issue had not been able to solve their problems due to ignorance.

According to him, “part of the many challenges we have in this part of the world is child bearing. Infertility has broken some homes and has been a source of worry to many families.

“Before now, people have to go to Lagos and Abuja to get IVF done but I decided to bring the technology home so that people can access it.”

The fertility expert welcomed the idea of partnership in hosting the Bloggers Summit and noted that the summit would provide veritable platform to educate the populace about the IVF intervention and its benefit to mankind. He accepted also to speak at the NUJ 2022 Health week.

He further requested a greater partnership between the media and his primary place of assignment, the Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka as according to him, the university needs all the support from the media to serve society better.

He warned against fabrication of stories to sell fast but advised media practisioners to be cautious and practice development Journalism targeted at building bridges.

Prof. Ikechebelu, therefore, urged the Union to be truthful and objective in their reportage. He also urged them to work in the interest of the state and avoid publishing fake news that is capable of breaching public peace and security.

He noted that Journalism profession and journalists as individuals play great roles in shaping society, hence, they should not be toyed with by anyone.

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