By Obinali S. Duru

The week comes,
Nigerian presidential election calls,
against debilitating background –
a bruised, battered and groaning citizenry,
instigated, instituted and supervised by blindfold eyes-
a mostly deal-for-deal governance across the country;
turned flowering landscape into stifling abyss –
of warring jihadists and armed rampaging herdsmen,
exacerbated by sundry counterforces-
of freedom fighters and territorial warlords;
the economy long plunged into comatose-
littered with systemic decayed infrastructure,
of notorious incapacities and inefficiencies,
spewing youth joblessness, disempowerment and capricious order.
Down with this brutish lost era-
of exasperating infamy and avoidable death-match.
In a twinkle yet distilled insight,
a Nation has risen in mass clamour –
a clarion for the New Nigerian project,
palpable transcendental awakening pervades our country,
rooting stentorian for real leadership –
most credible + vibrant +futuristic,
the youths (veterans of police brutality struggle) man the front lines.
Let’s brace up for honour’s vote –
vote your conscience as you would plant good seed;
Defy All advice against conscience –
even from kin and tribe or fellow faithful,
never deal with retrogress myopia;
Let Nigeria turn the corner –
implants healthy thriving citizenry;
begets, infuses, sustains Love for All.

Obinali S. Duru, is a Lawyer

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