Ugo Nosiri, Owerri

The Founder and Director, Women’s Aid Collective, WACOL, Professor Joy Ezeilo, says that violence against women is a violation of their human rights.

Professor Ezeilo made the emphasis during a zoom meeting organised by WACOL to mark this year’s Human Rights Day and 16 days campaign to end violence against women and girls.

She noted that the Universal Declaration of human rights clearly stated that the rights are for everyone including women, children and those living with Disabilities.

Professor Ezeilo who is also the former Dean of Law, University of Nigeria Nsukka, while noting that everyone deserves protection, stated that the principal of equality and non-discrimination is at the root of all human rights.

Speaking on ‘Human Rights are Women’s Right,’ the head of WACOL’s Legal Unit, Ijeoma Ezeudo, listed some of the accomplishments of the Organisation since it’s inception in 1997.

Miss Ezeudo stated that WACOL has in 26 years of its existence, supported victims of Gender Based Violence with shelter, medical care, financial support, rehabilitation and free legal aid.

She decried the high rate of cases of GBV, noting that WACOL records a minimum of 20 cases daily and has not less than 100 cases going on in court.

She further stated that the organisation partners with the police, NAPTIP, Nigeria Immigration Services, Nigerian Correctional Service, CSOs, and lawyers to track, investigate, apprehend, prosecute and ensure justice for victims.

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