Lawrence Nwimo, Awka

An internationally acclaimed physician and founder of the famous Anambra State Association in the United States of American (ASA-USA), Dr. Nwachukwu Anakwenze, says Igbo race in the South-East, Nigeria, is one of the most enterprising and populous people in Africa and with a sizable percentage of the world population.

Dr Anakwenze made this known in a keynote lecture themed, ”Culture: catalyst for Igbo Unity, Collective Advancement and Global Resurgence.”

He delivered the lecture during the NUJ 2023 Cultural Festival, organised by the Nigeria Union of Journalists (NUJ), Anambra State Council in collaboration with Kasie Communications, a PR and event company, at the Godwin Ezeemo International Press Centre, Awka.

Dr. Anakwenze, who is the traditional Prime Minister of Abagana, headquarters of Njikoka Local Government Area of the State, asserted that Igbos originated from Israel with Gad as their progenitor, father of Eri, and were forced into migration to Europe and other continents across the globe through slavery by the ancient colonial masters.

Onowu Anakwenze expatiated that owing to the brilliance, bravery, indefatigability, perseverance and inventive nature of the Igbo race, the invading Portuguese and British colonialists took special interest in the people during the slave trade era.

He also posited that Igbos have identical DNA with the Jews of Israel and dominate a large percentage of colour or black race in USA, Canada, the Caribbean and other continents in the world.

The medical guru, who is also the current Chairman of Board of Presidents of Council of Igbo States in the Americas (CISA), an umbrella body of Igbo states in Americas, said most of the out-standing professional experts in those parts of the world had their roots in Igboland, pointing out that several DNA tests and researches conducted over the years attested to the reality of their linkage to the Igbo race.

High Chief Anakwenze further noted that the ingenuity and resourcefulness of Ndigbo enabled them to survive the three years’ hostilities exerted on them during the Nigerian Civil War (1967-1970), as well as the massive postwar attainments in various spheres of human endeavour and un-quantifiable contributions to the commercial, educational and industrial advancement of the country.

The guest lecturer recalled that Late Rt. Hon. (Dr.) Nnamdi Azikiwe (Owelle of Onitsha) was at the forefront of political liberation of the African continent from colonialism, while most prominent authors from the country hailed from Igboland, including Late Flora Nwapa, Professor Chinua Achebe, Cyprian Ekwensi, Mokwugo Okoye, and the rave of the moment in literature, Ngozi Chimamanda Adichie, among others.

To buttress his points, Onowu Anakwenze disclosed that most shakers and movers of the society in the areas of science and technology in Africa are Igbos with huge investments across the nation and the Diaspora, in addition to their noticeable impacts in the creative industry, music and sports.

The renowned medical expert also emphasised that he initiated the mobilisation and unification of Igbo people in the universe through the formation of ASA-USA, later replicated in other continents throughout the globe for sustained promotion of Igbo language, culture and tradition, thereby showcasing the rich value system and enviable historical heritage of the people.

According to Onowu Anakwenze, he was inspired to establish the ASA-USA and ASA-Worldwide to galvanise the unity, peace, welfare, brotherhood, teamwork and think-home ideology amongst Ndigbo in the Diaspora, just as he beat his chest that these lofty objectives were highly realistically lucrative, in view of the influx of foreign direct investments into the State by Diaspora Ndi Igbo.

In his remark, the Commissioner for Culture and Entertainment, Comrade Don Onyenji, reassured the commitment of Governor Soludo’s administration towards promoting Igbo tradition and culture. Onyenji who represented the State Governor at the occasion, commended the state NUJ and Kasie Communications for organising the event to reawaken the consciousness of Ndigbo towards upholding and reviving their rich culture and traditions which he described as best across the globe.

“The state government is committed to promoting and showcasing Igbo tradition and culture to the world through the Ministry of Culture and Entertainment,” he said.

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