Ike Nnachi, Abakaliki

Governor Francis Ogbonna Nwifuru of Ebonyi State says his administration is now more focused to deliver dividends of democracy to the people.

The Governor who was reacting to the judgment of the supreme Court which upheld his election said equity, justice and fairness have prevailed.

He said: “Today is a historic day in our dear State. It is a day when light overtook darkness, it is a day we are victorious over the Supreme Court judgment that finally upheld the populist mandate freely given to us by you.”

“The judgment which was delivered by the erudite judges has finally nailed the protracted legal battle challenging the sincerity of purpose, courage of conviction, equity, fairness and justice —the fulcrum that our coming to power hinged.

“It is a win for all of us who vehemently opposed the mercantilist politics that nearly serrated our shared vision as a people. And so, I congratulate you.

“The People’s Charter of Needs which integrates the urgent needs of our people would have been truncated if not for your fervency in supplications to God Almighty for the judiciary to defend democratic ethos.”

The Governor said the judgment calls for not only jubilation but celebration because it has brought to an end attempt to truncate the wishes of the people.

“As we have survived their legal onslaughts, we are now more than conquerors, with a renewed verve to deliver the mandate you freely gave.”

“We are convinced that never again shall division against our shared norms and common ancestry rear its ugly head , the Governor said.

He commended the nation’s judiciary for their sincerity and unbiased stance in the dispensation of justice. and also the All Progressives Congress, and his campaign council the Divine mandate campaign Organization, for galvanising support that led to his victory at the polls.

Governor Nwifuru however assured that he will remain magnanimous in his resolve to carry everybody along irrespective of party affiliations and enjoined his opponents to join hands with him in his administration’s drive to build a more virile state.

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