Ben Ezechime, Enugu

President Bola Tinubu, has stressed the need for the involvement of the private and international partners in the development of Sports in Nigeria.

The President said this at the opening of the 1st National Council on Sports Technical meeting in Enugu.

He emphasised the importance of collaboration to advance the development of Sports in the country.

“The government cannot do this alone but need the active involvement of the private sector, non-governmental organisations, and partners.

“Together, we can build a robust ecosystem that supports our athletes and promotes healthy living among our citizens,” he said.

Tinubu, who was represented by Zephania Jisalo, Minister of Special Duties and Intergovernmental Affairs, also stressed the importance of the development of sports Infrastructure.

“In line with our Renewed Hope Agenda, we must invest in modern facilities and ensure their maintenance and accessibility.

“Our athletes deserve the best training environments to compete at the highest levels and to bring glory to our nation,” Tinubu said.

According to him: “We also need to invest in sports development right from primary school.”

The Minister, Federal Ministry of Sports Development, Sen. John Owan described sports as a platform to bridge and strengthen the bond of unity amongst the citizens.

Owan said that since assumption of office about nine months ago, the ministry under his watch had signed agreements with some private sector companies, including “Yanga Games Technology (YGT).”

According to him, this was to help Nigeria raise N35 million to augment contributions by the Federal Government.

“This is a corporate social responsibility contribution by this company to sports development in Nigeria and indeed the first of its kind,” the minister said.

He thanked Mr President for supporting the ministry of sports development, adding that the president had taken special interest in sports development in the country.

“I would like to thank President, Bola Tinubu for the support he has continued to provide for sports development in the country and particularly his interest in the welfare of our athletes,” Owan said.

Gov. Peter Mbah of Enugu State, said that for his state to host the maiden National Council on Sports technical meeting underscored the importance which his administration attached to sports development.

He said that Enugu had produced notable national and international athletes including legendary, Christian Chukwu, JJ Okocha, the Ezinwa bothers and late Michael Okpara aka Power Mike.

“All these athletes started here and I cannot forget our darling Rangers International of Enugu,” he said.

He thanked Mr President and the Federal Ministry of Sports development for offering Enugu State the opportunity to host the event.

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