Ben Ezechime, Enugu

The Commissioner of Police in Enugu State, CP Kanayo Uzuegbu, has decorated two top senior police officers newly promoted from the rank of Assistant Commissioner of Police (ACP) to the substantive rank of Deputy Commissioner of Police (DCP).

The officers included the hitherto Assistant Commissioner of Police in the Command’s Department of Operations, Mr Onyeamu Akaeme, and the Area Commander of Oji-River Area Command, Mr Chinedu Ugwu.

Addressing the officers during the decoration in his office in Enugu on Tuesday, the commissioner congratulated and charged them to rededicate themselves to duty.

The state police boss noted that the responsibilities that come with the new rank are such that require utmost dedication and dutifulness.

“I admonish you, more than ever, to maintain the highest standards in all you do moving forward,” he charged.

In their separate speeches, the newly promoted and decorated senior police officers, Mr Onyeamu Akaeme and Mr Chinedu Ugwu, thanked the Inspector-General of Police for graciously recommending them to the Police Service Commission (PSC) for promotion.

They thanked the PSC for graciously approving the recommendation.

They further appreciated the Commissioner and his management team for the support they enjoyed in their hitherto offices, pledging their commitment to rededicate themselves and diligently carry out the responsibilities that come with the new rank.

Among those that attended the event included: DCP Olasoji Akinbayo, the Deputy Commissioner incharge of the Command’s Department of Operations, and his counterpart in the Department of Finance and Administration, DCP Peter Ezebuike, some staff officers and family members of the newly promoted.

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