As church moves to feed 20,000 residents

Stephen Ukandu, Umuahia

The Lead Pastor of the Assemblies of God, (Church of the Elite), 87/89 Agulu Street by Umuchu, off Enugu Road, Umuahia, Abia State, the Rev. Dr Elisha Anyanwu, has said that evangelism alone without addressing the physical needs of converts is incomplete.

Rev. Anyanwu who stated this ahead of the Church’s annual Food Distribution Evangelism and Halleluya Day, slated for Sunday, August, 25, 2024 at the church’s auditorium, said a holistic gospel must address both the spiritual and physical needs of people.

This is as he disclosed that the Church “is set to feed over 20,000 residents” in this year’s event.

He noted that Jesus never allowed attendees of his gospel crusades to go hungry, hence he fed a famished multitude with five loaves and two fishes.

The Rev. Anyanwu said the food distribution evangelism philosophy of the church stemmed from the care demonstrated by Jesus when he empathised with his hungry audience after his ministrations.

He said that the current economic realities in Nigeria had made such philanthropic gesture more imperative as many Nigerians could hardly afford two square meals a day.

In a statement by the Church Secretary, Dr Nelson Ole; and Public Relations Officer, Bro. Lasbrey Nduwuba, the Lead Pastor said that “sharing food for human sustenance and gospel evangelism, has become necessary, in view of the fact that, food ranks topmost on the table of basic needs for human survival.”

The statement read: ” Providing people with food to eat for sustenance in the course of gospel evangelism, is a symbol of God’s love and care, as demonstrated by our Lord Jesus Christ when he fed the multitude who were famished with five loaves of bread and two fishes to quench their physical hunger during His earthly ministry (Math. 13: 12-26).”

The, gesture, he noted, made the multitude to remain actively receptive throughout Jesus’ gospel ministrations.

According to the statement, integrated gospel message approach serves as a powerful catalyst and a holistic approach to gospel evangelism.

The statement further noted that the spiritual and economic impact of “this annual programme on the body of Christ and our host communities, since inception, is unimaginable.”

“It has been a success story of astronomical increase in the body of Christ, God’s favours, healing miracles, open doors, bonding with host communities and soul salvation,” the statement added.

The statement urged residents to embrace the programme with both hands.

“It is our believe that God will again, make a name for Himself, as we put smiles on the faces of thousands of people in the midst of this bitting economic hardship, by feeding and distributing free take home foods to them, leading them to Christ which ultimately, is the whole essence of gospel evangelism.”

“The programme which is an annual event of the church, holds every August, during which the church intentionally feeds thousands of attendees with cooked foods of various delicacies, including take home foods, after providing them with spiritual food,” the statement added.

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