Author: Osmund Agbo

By Osmund Agbo Religion, for many, is a deeply personal and spiritual journey, often intertwined with rituals, prayers, and adherence to sacred texts. However, the true essence of religious practice which goes way beyond mere observance of rituals to encompass a profound commitment to ethical living and compassionate actions, is lost to so many Not too long ago, I encountered a man at my workplace who thoroughly tested the boundaries of my patience with religion. Let’s simply refer to him as Sam for the sake of this essay. Sam is a man with an unwavering commitment to religious observances. He…

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This piece is about a paradigm shift in how we perceive and approach life. It invites us to recognize that the journey itself is a vast ocean of experiences, and the pearls are not confined to a singular destination. By embracing the richness of the journey, being mindful of the present, and valuing the diverse pearls scattered along the way, individuals can cultivate a more profound and fulfilling life. Life’s journey is not just about reaching the shore; it is about savoring the pearls in every ripple and wave, creating a mosaic of experiences that define the true essence of…

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In a nation’s mosaic, a tale untold, Where shadows dance, stories unfold. A dance of power, a capture profound, Yet, unnamed echoes resound. Oligarchs and magnates, a secret choir, They weave a web, fueled by desire. In corridors of influence, unseen strings, Manipulating the fate of unseen beings. Citizens caught in a perilous waltz, In the dance of deceit, paying the costs. A silent revolution, whispers on the air, Yearning for justice, breaking the snare. Osmund Agbo, “A Captive Nation’s Cry” In the mythical kingdom of Illustria, history is woven with some bright and dark chapters,…

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However, the influence of giving reaches far beyond those who directly receive its benefits, also significantly enriching the lives of the givers themselves. Numerous studies and anecdotal accounts consistently demonstrate that giving leads to heightened personal happiness and a profound sense of fulfillment. Femi Otedola undeniably exemplifies this, as he is a man of immense contentment who dedicates time to his family. He appears to be in his finest form when surrounded by his gorgeous daughters. When individuals like Otedola contribute to causes they are deeply passionate about, it, in turn, fosters a collective sense of purpose and gratification within…

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It is highly likely that, to guide us to the promised land, we will eventually need someone with the determination and resilience of Peter Obi, but without the extensive personal estate that vultures could prey upon. Nigeria is in need of a new hero for this new era. One thing is clear, though: Obi’s legacy will continue to serve as a source of inspiration for the movement that carries his name for generations to come. The long awaited Supreme Court decision on Nigeria’s last presidential election has come and gone. The entire media frenzy about a fake Chicago diploma, forfeiting…

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Unfortunately, the majority of those professing to be champions of good can be aptly labeled as cowards, lacking the courage to relinquish their personal comforts. They prefer to stew in their private discontent, remaining passive until their patience wanes. In stark contrast, the evil-doer, akin to a fearless thief, courageously acknowledges the risk but marches forward regardless, propelled by their dark passions. In an era where the scales often tip in favor of evil rather than good, a disconcerting debate rages on. While some argue that the world inherently harbors more good than evil, it is an argument ensnared in…

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Amidst the cacophony of narratives, historical grievances, and the intricate web of geopolitics, it is crucial to acknowledge a fundamental truth: both Israelis and Palestinians hold legitimate claims to the land, and both have endured profound suffering. However, the path to a sustainable peace solution remains elusive, hindered by a conspicuous lack of genuine commitment from either side. The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is one of the most protracted and contentious conflicts in modern history, marked by deep-seated narratives and entrenched viewpoints. On one side, there are staunch supporters of Israel who see the Jewish state as a bastion of democracy and…

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Ventriloquists, often dismissed as mere entertainers, prove that the impossible is, in fact, within reach. It demonstrates that the boundaries of what we deem possible are remarkably elastic. Beyond, its technical prowess, Ventriloquy carries a profound symbolism. Over the past week, I’ve logged an insane amount of screen time on my smartphone, scouring Facebook, YouTube, and other social media platforms. My wife and children, justifiably alarmed by this fixation, even resorted to subtle threats and verbal pleas to pry me away from my screen. Their efforts, however, proved futile, as it became apparent that my obsession ran deeper than they…

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Luminescia languished beneath the onerous yoke of complete state capture, a dire predicament meticulously engineered by self-serving interests determined to maintain their iron grip on the nation. These malevolent forces exhibited no concern for the welfare of the populace; their singular preoccupation lay in safeguarding their dominion and amassing further riches In a realm of awe-inspiring natural diversity, this land unveiled its picturesque tapestry, spanning from lush southern forests to resplendent northern savannahs, pristine western shores, and lake-cradling plateaus. Meandering rivers, life’s vital veins, sustained it, concealing hidden riches below. From dawn to dusk, a vibrant ecosystem teemed with regal…

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Yet, amidst the resounding crescendo of pharmacological enthusiasm, a voice of reason emerges, resolute and steadfast. It implores us to heed the call of the age-old: the path paved with perspiration and mindful nutrition. For, you see, the shortcut to svelteness, the beacon of instant transformation, is but an ephemeral oasis that beckons us astray from the arduous journey of exercise and dietary discipline Recently, I got a call from an old friend. For reasons not unconnected with our different life trajectories, we had drifted apart over the years. But his purpose in calling wasn’t rooted in a desire to…

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