Anambra-born Ugochi Nwizu shines as UNN best graduating doctor with multiple distinctionsSeptember 29, 2023
Bulwark for women, girls: Meet Ikengaonline September town-hall guest speaker, Prof Joy EzeiloSeptember 27, 2023
Stanley Macebuh: Unforgettable pathfinder of modern Nigerian journalism by Uzor Maxim UzoatuFebruary 7, 2023
Chidi Odinkalu As Ariwoola takes the judiciary to the top of the grease pole by Chidi Anselm OdinkaluBy EditorJuly 21, 202407 Mins Read By Chidi Anselm Odinkalu At the end of July 2017, the United Nations Office of Drugs and Crime (UNODC) and Nigeria’s…
Columnists My guru Tam Fiofori departs by Uzor Maxim UzoatuBy EditorJuly 17, 202405 Mins Read By Uzor Maxim Uzoatu Sad news hit me hard on Tuesday, June 25, in this year of Our Lord…
Owei Lakemfa Supreme court weakens federalism, strengthens unitary system by Owei LakemfaBy EditorJuly 15, 202406 Mins Read By Owei Lakemfa The Supreme Court on Thursday, July 11, 2024 made landmark judgments on local government areas, LGAs, in…
Chidi Odinkalu Rule by judges is not rule of law by Chidi Anselm OdinkaluBy EditorJuly 14, 202407 Mins Read By Chidi Anselm Odinkalu “The judiciary has immense power. In the nature of things, judges cannot be democratically accountable for their…
Azu Ishiekwene Ajibola Ogunshola: Triumph of the non-newspaperman by Azu IshiekweneBy EditorJuly 13, 202406 Mins Read By Azu Ishiekwene I’ve written this before. Ten years ago, but this man’s story is new every time. To…
Columnists Different shades of labour, Dangote’s new voice, and Akpabio’s condescension, by Zainab Suleiman OkinoBy EditorJuly 11, 202407 Mins Read By Zainab Suleiman Okino UK Labour vs. Nigerian LP A day after the UK election, results were announced, and the…
Azu Ishiekwene Olatunji Dare: To repay is to owe more, by Azu IshiekweneBy EditorJuly 11, 202408 Mins Read By Azu Ishiekwene Ten years ago, this article appeared under a different title, “The Debt I Owe.” Professor Olatunji…
Columnists My teacher Kongi strikes 90 by Uzor Maxim UzoatuBy EditorJuly 10, 202406 Mins Read By Uzor Maxim Uzoatu When I broke the world exclusive news of Nobel Laureate publishing his latest novel, Chronicles from…
Chidi Odinkalu Expensively Fiddling as Country Careens (EFCC) by Chidi Anselm OdinkaluBy EditorJuly 7, 202407 Mins Read By Chidi Anselm Odinkalu Evidently, the EFCC under its current leadership has made a mission of fiddling while the country careens.…
Chidi Odinkalu Abdullahi Liman, and the making of a judicial scandal, by Chidi Anselm OdinkaluBy EditorJune 30, 202407 Mins Read By Chidi Anselm Odinkalu In the month since 23 May 2024, when – during hours reserved by nature entirely for meetings…