Anambra-born Ugochi Nwizu shines as UNN best graduating doctor with multiple distinctionsSeptember 29, 2023
Bulwark for women, girls: Meet Ikengaonline September town-hall guest speaker, Prof Joy EzeiloSeptember 27, 2023
Stanley Macebuh: Unforgettable pathfinder of modern Nigerian journalism by Uzor Maxim UzoatuFebruary 7, 2023
Chidi Odinkalu Tunde Jonathan Mark (13 October 1971 – 21 October, 2022) by Chidi Anselm OdinkaluBy EditorOctober 23, 202207 Mins Read By Chidi Anselm Odinkalu A little under ten years ago, I was exercised by an overwhelming curiosity to understand what…
Owei Lakemfa Championing rule of law at home and criminality abroad by Owei LakemfaBy EditorOctober 21, 202206 Mins Read By Owei Lakemfa Only a quarter of the eight million Palestinian people live in the Palestine; one million in Gaza,…
Rudolf Okonkwo Why we eat poisoned holy communion: A memo to Tinubu by Rudolf OkonkwoBy EditorOctober 21, 202207 Mins Read By Rudolf Okonkwo Dear Mr. Bola Tinubu I am writing you regarding your recent comment about church rats and our penchants…
Azu Ishiekwene A professor’s pay-slip and lessons from ASUU strike by Azu IshiekweneBy EditorOctober 20, 202207 Mins Read By Azu Ishiekwene After eight months’ strike, one of the longest in the country’s history, university teachers finally returned, at…
Osmund Agbo In America’s troubled democracy, the last man standing is a woman by Osmund Agbo By EditorOctober 19, 202207 Mins Read By Osmund Agbo There is a veritable cottage industry of hand wringing over the troubling state of American democracy today.…
Hassan Gimba And what’s so special about Switzerland, anyway? by Hassan GimbaBy EditorOctober 18, 202207 Mins Read By Hassan Gimba I had wanted to write about the awards conferred on deserving – and not so deserving -…
Owei Lakemfa Academics, politicians and rogue elements by Owei LakemfaBy EditorOctober 18, 202206 Mins Read By Owei Lakemfa The country heaved a sigh of relief on Thursday, October 13, 2022, as the eight-month strike by academics which…
Chidi Odinkalu Concerning Buhari’s national honours 2022 by Chidi Anselm OdinkaluBy EditorOctober 16, 202207 Mins Read By Chidi Anselm Odinkalu “It is not titles that honor men, but men honor the titles.” Nicolò Machiavelli, Discourses on Livy (1531)…
Life Death and my brother-in-law by Osita ChidokaBy EditorOctober 15, 202203 Mins Read By Osita Chidoka Yesterday, I wrote, in my university class group, about the inevitability of death as we approach the…
Owei Lakemfa Smart Europeans, daft Africans by Owei LakemfaBy EditorOctober 14, 202206 Mins Read By Owei Lakemfa Smart Europeans. After building their wealth from resources taken from the colonies, including gold, diamond, rubber, cocoa, cotton…