Ike Nnachi, Abakaliki

Gunmen have reportedly killed one, Mr. Ikechukwu Idenyi Ali, at the popular Okwor Ngbo market, in Ohaukwu Local government Area of Ebonyi State.

Sources said that the victim, Ali was shot many times by the gunmen, when he was locking up his shop to go home for the day.

Though the identity of the killers were unknown sources in the area noted that it may not be unrelated to a cult war going on among some cult groups in the area.

Chairman of Ohaukwu Local Government Area, Ikechukwu Odono, who visited the scene of the incident, confirmed the killing.

He pledged to collaborate with security agencies to arrest and prosecute the killers.

He said that the stakeholders of the community will be meeting with security agencies to investigate the killing, and that the perpetrators will be brought to book.

Odono, also called on the residents of the community and the market traders to go about their normal business, as security had been beefed up in the area.

He said: “Gunmen came to our village market, Okwor with motor bike and shot one Mr. Ikechukwu Ali, while he was locking up his shop in the night hours of the day.

“This morning, when the information came to me, I quickly went there alongside with Deputy Speaker Of Ebonyi State House of Assembly, Chinedu Onah, policemen and other relevant political stakeholders of the Ohaukwu Local Government Area who condemned the gravity of the crime.

“When I got there, there were many youths of that community who were engaging in peaceful demonstration to condemn the painful killings of the deceased in his shop and after addressing them, I made sure that no lives or property was tampered with,” Odono said.

Police spokesperson, Joshua Ukandu, while confirming the incident said  security operatives have been deployed to the affected area.

“Police have commenced investigation to unravel the perpetrators of the killing,” he said.

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